Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly does it take to get your business up and running?

Your Package Deal will be shipped to you in less than a week letting you begin the fun and excitement right away! We strive to exceed all our customer’s needs by delivering professional and reliable services.

Are all your products safe?

Yes! All of our products are tested each year to make sure we comply with any and all toy industry standards. Our products carry ASTM-F963 Safety Certifications.

How do I promote my new business to make it successful?

Our Marketing team will promote and grow your business with external and internal marketing strategies, email blast, and telemarketing calls to local fundraisers, events and parties in your community.

Is the T-Shirt Press Machine only for the Teddy Bears?

No! We train you to customize adult T-Shirts as well. This is additional ways to generate more revenue to your business!

E-Commerce Website, Social Media Marketing & Search Engine Marketing

Our design team will create your very own E-Commerce Website which allows you to sell products, book parties and events online.  We will advertise and drive business with Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter),as well as run Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that will generate brand awareness.

how to start a teddy bear business